Thursday, March 6, 2008

Shower Caps

I wonder if gay men wear shower caps. Do they install removable shower heads? What are their routines for home hygiene?

Today I took a shower with my shower cap. My hair / scalp isn't dirty every day, usually every other day works, and if I blow out my hair, I can even go three days. I shower as I need. Sometimes, for example in summer, I might shower daily, or even twice a day. In winter, I might limit my exposure to skin drying hot water and just use lukewarm water in areas that should be cleaned daily (yes, that is what I mean). That is why I installed a removable shower head, so I can reach places without soaking my whole body, and so I can wash my hair without having to take a shower (I also use a shower cap so I don't get splash on my hair and walk out of the house with wet hair in 32 f weather). I also swim frequently year-round, so much of my hair-washing and bathing happens at the shower at the pool facility.

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