Thursday, April 24, 2008

Kako ćemo izabrati ženu ili muža (How to choose a wife or husband)

From KZSŽ to KZSP:

Kako ćemo izabrati ženu ili muža (How to choose a wife or husband)

The authors seem to be moving it to the level of practicality and decision making. Science. And a bit...

Does this work also for the pederi who are now interested in long term partnerships? It is quite a bit about what goes on between two people, without considering the conditions in which they live.

A good and lucky choice of a marriage partner is a great happiness. It means finding a person who is more than physically acceptable to us, but also with whom we have shared interests, goals, likes, and tastes. It is impossible to get along with and happily live with someone who has opposite desires, hopes, and wishes than ours (even though we often see such marriages) who has other points of view on life and who finds interests in other areas than we do. It is hard to share life with someone who has no reaction to things that excite us or who is very interested in things that leave us cold. For that type of married pair, it is possible to say they do not speak the same language.

Other than understanding and feelings that bring them together, an important accomplishment in a marriage is its sex life, but even if that is in harmony or even more, if in life together as a married pair there is only that aspect, marriage will leave feelings of disappointment and emptiness. Feelings that unite, dedication, loyalty, and true friendship in the end will, over time, take the place of the hot sex that takes place in the first year of marriage.

Dobro i sretno izabrati bračnog partnera velika je sreća. To znači naći čovjeka koji nas ne samo fizički privlači nego s kojim imamo zajedničke intereste, ciljeve, zajedničke nazore, pa i ukus. Nemoguće je složiti se i sretno živjeti s čovjekom koji imae suprotne žele od naši (iako je u praksi često tako) koji ima drukčije poglede na život i koji nalazi interese na drugim područjima nego mi. Tesko je djeliti zivot s covjekom koji je revnodusan prema onome sto nas uzbudjuje ili se strasno zanima za ono sto nas ostavilja hladnim. Za takav bracni par moze se reci da ne govore istim jezikom.

Osim razumijevanja i osjećajne povezanosti, važan činilac u braku je i seksualan život, ali ma kako bio skladan, on nije vječan, i ako u zajedničkom životu postoji samo ta komponenta u životu bračnih drugova, nastat će razočaranje i praznina. Osjećaj povezanosti, odanosti i pravog prijateljstva u kasnijim ce godinama zamijeniti seksualni zanos prvih godina braka.

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